tajweed rules (2)

Tajweed Rules: Stopping & Pausing Signs In The Quran

It involves a set of rules and guidelines that govern the pronunciation, articulation, and melodious recitation of the holy Quran. In this article, we will explore a crucial aspect of Tajweed rules related to stopping and pausing while reci...

Studio Arabiya · 22 October 2023 · 1

Mastering Tajweed: 9 Essential Tips for Beginners

Tajweed, also known as Tajwid, holds a significant place in the realm of Quranic recitation. The term itself originates from the Arabic verb "Youjid," meaning "to master something." As believers, we are commanded by Allah to recite the Quran with proficiency and strive to learn its correct recitation. In Surah Al-Muzzammil, verse 73:4, Allah says,...

Studio Arabiya · 11 months ago · 2